Ready to commit to a new level of performance?

Are you an executive or business owner working 14+hr a day and hitting road blocks to your ideal self? Have you invested in personal trainers, chiropractic care, and other pain reduction modalities but still dealing with chronic injuries and pain? Do you want to to build muscle mass without having to do hours in the gym?

I keep my executive coaching crew small to ensure that we can deep dive into your needs, schedule a health blueprint call to connect about your challenges and see if this program would fit!

Schedule a Health Blueprint Call


The way your body organizes against gravity doesn’t have to be a mystery. It’s not just “keep your shoulders down at back”. Get REAL posture changes to move and feel better.


Flexibility is a byproduct of the recode. There isn’t a lot of stretching going on, but rather moving the way nature intended does lead to freedom in range of motion without forcing it.


Training in this way allows you to optimize your running and walking for ease of movement through life.

“I’ve worked with over 20 practitioners over the years, and Kasia is hands down the best movement specialist I have ever had the pleasure of working with.  She’s not only an exceptional trainer but an incredible person with endless knowledge on the human body and the healing process.  Working with her you quickly learn that the healing process goes far beyond the training facility, and it’s her all encompassing view that truly separates her process and flow from anything else I’ve ever seen.  The sessions consist of powerful diaphragmatic breath work to prime the body, followed by personalized training based on your specific goals and needs.  The combination of postural restoration with GOATA movement make for a journey unlike anything I have ever experienced, and it’s only a matter of time that Kasia makes both of these household names.  Whether it’s for rehab from an injury, a specific performance goal, or if you just want to move and feel better than you ever have, give Kasia 12 weeks and your life will truly never be the same.” - Jon B.

Working with Kasia was one of the best investments I've made in myself. I’m an endurance athlete, who always believed I wasn’t really “built” for endurance sports and that I would just have to deal with constant pain and niggles to do what I love. Well, after my first session with Kasia, I began to question that narrative. Case in point: I used to have to stop one mile into to stretch my calves, which inevitably would seize up on me and make every step painful. Since that first session, I haven’t had to stop once in my runs to stretch my calves. Everything is just … easier. My breathing is easier, my sleep is easier, my long days at the computer are easier, my hard training sessions are easier. My favorite part about my work with Kasia is just how much she has empowered me to be a confident inhabitant of my body. I no longer freak out when I start to feel a niggle, wondering if it will escalate and derail my training for weeks on end. I have so many new tools in my toolbox to troubleshoot my own body – and they actually work. Kasia is possibly the most inquisitive practitioner I’ve ever worked with, and her own humility and curiosity is what enables her to support her clients so well. You’re in a true partnership with Kasia on your journey to be your best self, and I’m so grateful to have her support on that journey. - Meghan J.

“Working with Kasia has literally changed my life. I was in constant pain and unable to do basic things like carry groceries or take my dog on long walks. Out of desperation, I started my journey with her and I am so thankful that I did. Not only can I live my life normally again but I can actually exercise (!) and try new things (like roller skating!) without fear. The only thing I’d change if I could is I would reach out sooner.” - Stephanie P.

“Before meeting Kasia my body was so tight and twisted that I was constantly in pain and uncomfortable. Nothing relieved it. I tried Chiropractors, Rolfing, cupping, acupuncture, thera-guns, you name it I tried it. Most gave me short term/momentary relief but none actually fixed the root of the problem. Now I have no need for any of those things. All I need is Kasia and what she’s taught me to keep myself going and pain free. It is a lifetime journey for me but if you put in the work, you will reap the rewards. Plus you get to learn some sick dance moves and join Kasia’s dance team.” - Ashley ‘Bird’ A.

"When we began working together just a few months ago, Kasia promised that her instruction would “transform your running.”  I had been prone to running injuries since high school and was doing hours of yoga for runners mobility/recovery work to sustain running fewer than 10 miles per week.  While I was a little bit skeptical with Kasia’s promise, I stuck with it and now am running 25 miles per week.  I’ve dropped the yoga for runners, and my legs rarely feel sore after runs. This has all saved me so much time! Kasia blends fitness, mobility, and postural restoration modalities into a unique, powerful approach that I don’t think anyone else in the world is doing right now.  She brings an awareness of how every part of the body and every practical movement pattern—e.g. walking, squatting, running—is connected and can be trained to function even more efficiently, resulting in more joyful, easeful movement, with the added confidence that injury is much less likely once one has learned and patterned the good mechanics that apply to their individual body." - Cameron E.